Sunday, June 28, 2015

My BARC Interview success Experience

Before Interview

I reached Mumbai on 2 June one day before my interview slot day. My interview was on 3rd june 11 am slot. i reached barc centre at 10:30. after registering and completing all formalities , i was allotted 22 no. slot  NBH hostel 11 floor.I meet my friend satish there, and wait in waiting room for my no. 22, I asked interview question from already interviewed candidates and try to solve all the questions. it was very helpful for me to understand level of difficulties and logic behind questions. we had a lunch on 1 pm. then we were waiting again. Then i asked volunteers for my interview slot time. they told me that i was last candidate of my panel. then i relaxed and phoned to my friends to help to solve some difficult questions. it was around 5:30, I searched for some water and left waiting room. suddenly volunteers called my name, then i was nervous and entered the interview room.

My journey to 1hour 40 minutes starts...

There was a round table in which 6 person in the room including chairman and a lady maam. panel chairman told me for introduction slip(green slip). Due to nervousness, i told then i was not given any slip. they again told me for the same. I thought for the slip, i found that i left my slip outside the interview room. I said sorry to them, and left room to bring slip and entered the room again. I was so horrible for me. I had mistake in such a important interview. they offered me some water and said to be relaxed himanshu. I said sir it was my first interview, so i was nervous. They asked me about college, father etc.

finally my interview started, they told me to write my five prepared subjects in a A4 paper. They gave you pencil and paper to write it. I wrote it in order 1. electronics devices(EDC), 2. analog electronics, 3.control system, 4. Electromagnetic field theory, 5. signal and system.

1. EDC questions...

They asked me to tell about yours subjects content. i started with EDC and said diode, BJT, mosfets, special diodes eg. tunnel, varactor, imapatt. they said anything other. then i said optoelectronics devices like led, photo diode, LASER. on listening laser, they asked first question define laser. fortunately, i had a interview at DRDO for LASER technology jrf post earlier. I told them sir i was a Hindi medium student so i was comfotable in Hindi. they said yes you can proceed in Hindi. I started with laser from its basics, fermi diagram, population inversion, threshold current, intensity vs. current plot, difference b/w led and laser etc. then they told about some practical questions, i told them sir i did not know sir but i can try it. they permitted. then i tried to answer some difficult question of laser like laser beam modulation circuit, and  i was able to give reasonable answers not 100% correct but interviewer needs. my logics was correct, i told them sir i had read streetman and banerjee for semiconductor physics, and it contain only those things which i had already said. they impressed and asked some typical question of that book. i answered that. they asked some question related optical fibre application of LASER, i tried to give basic answer. but they need detailed answer. i told sir it was part of opticle fibre not EDC, i was prepared for EDC only but i can read optical fibre. then questions from laser come to end.

2. Alalog

they asked first question from multi vibrator. design astable  using op amp. I designed circuit quickly. they told me explain every bit of it while drawing ckt. i said ok sir. i explained completely. they asked me to draw a ckt in which duty cycle of generated square wave can be changed in astable mode. it was new question for me, i have never solved it. i told them sir i would try. i thought and finally success to draw it by modifying with two diodes and resistors. then they asked about oscillators, i defined basics of oscillators, positive feedback, etc. they asked me to draw any ckt. I draw ckt of phase shift oscillator using op amp and explained it thoroughly. but wrote wrong equation of its oscillation frequency, i was forgotten it. they avoided my mistake.

3. Control System

they asked first question very easy like rise time, settling time, peak time etc. I explained that. but madam(interviewer) was from bengal so she dont know hindi. she told me to explain in english they i explained in english those question for her. she asked me about controllers. i answered. then she give me a block diagram representation of a control system and asked about it. It was piece of cake for me because i have leaned that in my third year training at NTPC Rihand. I said maam it was drum level controller. she said how did you know it. i told her about my training. she said ok and asked all parameters of drum level controller eg. instruments used, its purpose, logic behind its working,actuators, feedback(sensor) etc. then she asked how to control  it when water is flowing continuously. i answered by using proportional controller. then she asked when its level swelling(oscillating) then how to control it. i know its logic but due to over confidence i give wrong answer PD controller but afterward i corrected my mistake and told her maam its PI controller. i said sorry, maam i was actually know answer but unfortunately my mind and mouth did not synchronize it. they said himanshu no problem.

4. Electromagnetic field theory(EMT)

It was toughest part of my interview. A person from my panel give me a circuit and give its parameters and asked to solve it. This question was from transient analysis of transmission lines, which was not in syllabus of my university. it was not in saidiku (standard book of EMT). i have never heard it before GATE exam. i found one question of it in 3rd set paper of gate. when i planned preparing for BARC interview then i downloaded a ebook Electromagnetic field theory by Markus Zahn. It contain this topic, but i had not sufficient time to read it thoroughly. i read little bit about it. I solved ckt. by using some equation but it was not the answer of my problem. they give some hints. i told them sir i cant use any equation of transmission lines directly on it, because all the equations derived for steady state analysis. they said yes but how to solve it. i use my brain but unable to solve it. they changed this question and make it more difficult, they asked me about a power station generates 130kv, 100 amp current, send to same transmission line if lightening fall on transmission line then about its impudence behavior. i smiled and thought it was a question of electrical power system then why they asked such question to a electronics candidate. I told some answer, they asked about logic. it define logic of lightening. My logic was little bit correct but perhaps answer was not. they did not responded, and go to next subject.

5. signal and system

when i was answering EMT question, they interrupted me and give a circuit to find voltage waveform at three different nodes. It was actually problem of Network not signal and system. It was a circuit of three loops containing resistor, capacitor and inductor and parameters values were not given. they told me solve it by using minimum solution, using logic only and draw approximate waveform of voltage. i was horrified to see circuit, how to solve it without solving it actually. i told them sir give me parameters value. they said not needed. then i thought some time, use my brain and finally able to draw one waveform. I saw faces of all person and told sir is it correct? they said draw second and third. I managed to draw second waveform by analyzing the ckt. but it was wrong. they interrupted me and said think again himanshu. i took some more time and draw the correct waveform. i asked them, they said draw third. third was very easy for me. i draw third one quickly. they told me some more question about it. I solved that questions.

Final questions

In the end, they asked me about digital system. i told them sir i had not prepared for it for BARC but i know basics of digital, i can try. they asked me about TTL level. I answered ttl voltage 0 and 5V. they said no. i said sir ideally we call 0 and 5v but practically some voltage range. they asked what range? I have forgotten it, so give wrong range. then other person asked me define noise margin. I was explaining it. meanwhile chairman interrupted all person. chairman said himanshu, you are ready for project work. i said yes. he told me you might be posted in rural area, would you be comfortable. I said yes sir."i had already done my vocational training in NTPC Rihand, which is also a rural and backward area but i completed my training there in fact I wanted to stay there some more days. I am also belong to small town mirzapur. sir i would have no problem." I already make my mind make up to work for power sector.He asked me about college placement. I told him that i was not placed in college due to lack of communication skills. sir you could see I gave my interview in Hindi. some peoples in the panel suggested me to improve spoken English not by reading book but to speak. I said yes sir, i totally focused my mind on technicals for BARC, afterward i would improve my spoken english.

Then they say thanx, and chairman said now you can go. I also said thanx to all of them and my interview end.i checked my interview time which was appox 1 hour 40 minutes.i saw there were no person outside the room. it mean all the candidates had already interviewed. i was very happy and waiting for final result. finally on 24 june my hard work, blessings and dream became true. I was selected as Scientific Officer at Bhabha Atomic and Research centre.

Study materials helped me to become Scientific officer at BARC

According to my opinion

During my preparation days for BARC, I found that proper time management and good choice of study material helped me a lot. So don't waste your valuable time to read low grade books and material. Always try to prefer and read only standard books and materials. Seeing tough competition in interview like BARC, you should have something more than others. Everyone reads same books, material and even take same coaching but success come to only those who make their own effort. During interview, my practical knowledge and practical aspects of theory, standard definition helped me to crack interview. focus on your subjects and try to learn its piratical significance in industry and current demand. use google for your doubts. Vocational training and projects play important role to understand real meaning of subjects.

Books and material i used 

i used some good books and materials. I found that every books has some good thing. writers focused on some topics in their books very well according to our needs. I categorized those topics according to books and subjects here. Some books are highly recommended to buy it as soon as possible, but do not buy all these books, you can download its pdf versions. I wrote here which books you should purchase and which to download only.

Electronics devices
1.    streetman and banerjee: you should buy it, i contains all the topics according to your theoretical and practical needs. good book for everything about semiconductor, special focus on MOS capacitors, metal semiconductor junction, opto electronics devices and CMOS fabrication.
2.    Electronics Devices by Thomas L. Floyd: download its pdf, it contain practical applications and troubleshooting of all devices.(for interview only)
3.    Introduction to semiconductor materials and devices by M.S. Tyagi : pdf only, good book for tunnel diode, breakdown mechanism details, quantum mechanics details.(for advance reader only)

Analog Electronics
1.    sedra smith microelectronic circuits : you should buy it, best book for analog electronics. It contain everything (theory). special focus to all devices and circuits. but you need to read only those topics which are asked in competition.
2.    Made Easy Analog Notes by Iftekar Sir: cover every topics in short to revise but for BJT and MOS amplifier, you should read Sedra. special focus on diodes, op amps, BJT basics.
3.    Practical Electronics for Inventors by paul Scherz : pdf only, practicle application of analog circuits. special focus to understand pactical electronics.
4.    Make Electronics by charles Platt: pdf only, good for those who do not understand soldering, ICs and practical connections of circuits. 

Electromagnetic Field Theory and Antennas
1.    Principles of Electromagnetics by Sadiku: buy it, good book for beginning to the subject.special focus on vectors, EM wave propagation, electric field. transmission line is not so good but smith chart is well defined.
2.    Nathan Ida Engineering Electromagnetics: pdf only, good book for basic and advanced understanding of subject. special focus on practical application of theory, Electromagnetic Induction, transient analysis of transmission lines(not give in Sadiku), if you are prepared for BARC interview then it really help you.
3.    Antenna by J D kraus: pdf only, good for only basics of antenna, special focus on antenna array, parabolic reflector. read it only for these topics.
4.    Antenna by K D prasad: buy it, good for everything of antenna, special focus on practical antennas eg. helical, slot, yagi uda, horn, dipole, hertzian and travelling wave antenna.
5.    Made Easy notes by VSR suresh sir: for transmission line and electric and magnetic field only.

Control System
1.    Automatic control system by B.C. kuo: buy it, good book for transient response, steady state errors, mathematical modelling. special focus on controllers and compensaters.
2.    B S manke: for block diagram and state variable.

Signal and System
1.    Signal and system by oppenheim: buy it, best book for sinal and system, no other book or material needed.
2.    Made Easy notes by Vishnu sir: best teacher of signal and system, even notes is sufficient for subject. according to me for signal you should read in Made Easy.

Network analysis
1.    Engineering circuit analysis by Hayt and kemmerly: buy it, best book for network, it covers theory, numerical and practical all in single book.special focus on problem solving skills.
2.    Fundamental of Electric Circuits by Sadiku: I do not read this book, but heard from everybody this is also good book as like Hayt. Special focus on numerical.

Best of luck
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